UK Schools Experience Swedish Teaching

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Students using iPads in a Maths class

As part of our Consultancy services learning exchange program. Levett Consultancy in partnership with the Gothenburg Center for School Improvement, were able to facilitate a 3 day trip to Gothenburg for a dozen UK teachers to observe and experience Swedish teaching practises. UK teachers also had the opportunity to ask teachers and students questions during each school visit.

The exchange learning program focused on pre-school, KS1 and KS2 teaching practices across a variety of locations around Gothenburg city. We would like to thank the following schools for taking time to demonstrate and discuss Swedish teaching practices:

  • Fjällboskolan
  • Jättestenskolan
  • Gamla Lunden
  • Skutehagen
  • Skillndsgatan
  • Amhultsgården

We would also like to thank the many Swedish students who made the visit to each school enjoyable.