Making the Unaffordable Affordable 2017 Event

Marketing TeamEvents

Levett Consultancy annual customer event at Fujitsu

On February 23rd, 2017 we held our 8th annual customer event at Fujitsu London offices. This year’s event was themed ‘Making the Unaffordable, Affordable’.

Paul Levett (CEO) opened the event outlining the updated 2017 services and solutions from Levett Consultancy. In particular the entry of Google Expedition Kits available to buy from April 2017 and the uptake in school customers converting old Windows laptops to Chromebooks using CloudReady OS. Both of the new services and solutions are now part of our ‘School ina Cloud‘ 2017 solution that is designed for schools.

After the keynote the following partners demonstrated how customers can stay ahead of the technology curve without having to spend a lot of money using products in Levett Consultancy ‘ina solutions’ portfolio:

  • Google Education team demonstrating, G Suite for Education a free set of productivity tools and Google Expeditions a cost effective Virtual Reality solution for schools and academies.
  • Neverware how schools and academies can bring to life Windows or Apple Mac old hardware by converting to Chromebooks using CloudReady OS.
  • Sophos education team explaining and showcasing how Sophos Central (formally Sophos Cloud) works with ‘School ina Box’ protecting schools from ransomware and phishing attacks.
  • Parago Asset Management, the importance of schools knowing what assets they have before making purchasing decisions.
  • Fujitsu UK the future of 21st-century education and how schools need to embrace new ideas from new graduate teachers whilst balancing change within their organisation.
  • THINK IT completed the presentations by explaining the four procurement challenges for schools and how government frameworks can help education institutions.

The event saw an excellent turnout and we would like to thank everyone attended and our partners who presented. If you would like more info about our products and services please feel free to contact us today.